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January 2012 Community Newsletter

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The Urantia Book Fellowship

26 de enero de 2012 08:11
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The Urantia Book Fellowship

Community Newsletter                       January 2012

Happy New Year!
In This Issue
President's Report
In Honor of MLK
2012 Summer Study Session
Scientific Validation
Joshua Ben Joseph Project
A Good Card Game
Northeast Regional Retreat
Everyday Be Thankful
Online Study Groups
Pipeline of Light Report
New Online Catalog
Vern Grimsley Graduates
Quick Links...



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The Urantia Book Fellowship is pleased to announce that we are now offering, via our web store, many of the books that used to be offered in the Morning Star Catalog (formerly the Good Cheer Catalog.) Our newly redesigned web store is now open for business and contains many of the great books and study aids that Urantia Book readers love as well as some brand new gems for your contemplation and inspiration.

 Click here to visit the new UVERSA PRESS CATALOG. 

New Cover 
Congratulations to Gary Tonge for submitting the winning entry in The Uversa Press Committee's cover contest. Our fourth printing of The Urantia Book, projected to be available in Summer 2012, will feature the Standard Reference Text and Tonge's beautifully inspiring cover art.  A special thank you to John Hay, Chair
 of Uversa Press and his committee, Paula Thompson, and Don Greene, for seeing this project to fruition. 

click here to see a larger image 





   John Hales 




Secretary General




Judicial Chair


Membership Chair


Interfaith Chair
   Susan Cook 


Outreach Chair


International Chair


Education Chair
   Lila Dogim 


Publications Chair


Finance Chair
   John Hay 


Youth and Young Adult Chair
   Anthony Finstad 

General Council  
Lara Amyx
Andrea Barnes
Larry Bowman 
Robert Bruyn
Robert Burns
Avi Dogim
Stephen Dreier
Janet Falbo
Tony Finstad
Cece Forrester
Janet Graham
Tim Hobbs
Merritt Horn
Jack Kane 
Al Lockett
Charlene Morrow
Dolores Nice
Charles Olivea
Thomas Orjala
Phillip Taylor
Jo Ann Wiedman




Click Here to Link to "Friends of the Urantia Book Fellowship" Facebook Page. 

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2011 Report of the President of The Urantia Book Fellowship
The annual President's report is an opportunity for reflection. As Secretary Cristina Seaborn reminds us, our work requires good people to contribute their "time, talent, and treasure," and The Fellowship has received all of these in generous portions in 2011.  Some highlights of our activities this year:

The International Fellowship Committee started out the year by sending ghanaCharlene Morrow and Chair Buck Weimer to India for the Kolkata Book Fair.  2011 also found our intrepid team in South Korea and Ecuador, and their year ended with a journey to Ghana.  The International Fellowship  committee also sponsored our Spanish Reader Service duo, Dolores Nice and Nelida Oliver, who facilitate reader services and outreach in Latin America.

Andrea Barnes accepted a position as our Volunteer Coordinator. Since then, Andrea has been actively putting people to work and connecting readers with each other. She has also been instrumental in expanding the Fellowship's presence online in various social media forums.  

The Uversa Press committee, chaired by John Hay, initiated a contest to New Coverdesign the new cover art of The Fellowship's edition of The Urantia Book.  The winning artist was Gary Tonge of Great Britain, whose cover design was chosen by our membership from among a field of twenty-seven entries.  The new cover will be launched in the spring of 2012, on a revised printing featuring the new standard reference text.

The Fellowship's International Conference 2011, chaired by Susan Cook, was held on the campus of the University of Utah in Salt Lake City.  TSusan Cookhe Truthseekers and the Youth and Young Adult subcommittee (a subset of the Outreach committee) were visibly active in many conference presentations this summer, including workshops and two plenary sessions.  The inspiring presence of these two groups of young men and women at IC'11 influenced the historic creation of the new Youth and Young Adult standing committee, which was voted into existence at the Summer meeting of the General Council and is now ably chaired by Tony Finstad.  This is the first new standing committee created in Fellowship history. Kudos to Tom Choquette, chair of Outreach, who first drew this dynamic group of young people into our midst.

The Executive Committee met with representatives of Urantia Association International in Chicago for the second year in a row.  We witnessed the launch of the new study group portal, an online listing of Urantia Book study groups created in collaboration with the UAI, the Foundation, and The Fellowship.  We began a long-overdue upgrade of our website and database systems. The Executive Committee also unanimously approved sending a proposed "Declaration of Cooperation," drafted by Buck Weimer, to the boards of the Urantia Foundation and the UAI for their consideration.

The General Council amended the Constitution this year to allow amendments to the Constitution by a supermajority of Councilors present, rather than a supermajority of Councilors in existence.  This may not seem momentous to those uninitiated in the joys of Council deliberations, but since our governing document has remained largely untouched in nearly six decades of existence, I hope this modest alteration in the amendment process will encourage future Councils to actively consider how we might reshape it to serve us more effectively going forward.

JoAnn Weidman
JoAnn Weidman
Paula Thompson
Paula Thompson
This report would not be complete without an expression of appreciation for the continuing work of Paula Thompson, our Executive Director, and Joann Weidman. Together these two women keep our office systems and reader services humming, and they are truly a joy to work with.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your President.

To Progress!

Michelle Klimesh


In Honor of Martin Luther King's Birthday

Martin Luther King (1929 - 1968)

By Charles Olivea

A note from the author:
I wrote this bio on Dr. Martin Luther King because of the enormous influence he had on my personal development. Dr. King taught me to forgive my enemies by personifying Jesus in the way he worked toward reconciliation to improve race relations in particular and human relations in general. During the years 1962-1963, I was moved by the method he employed to deal with bitterness, anger and hatred. He not only preached about love, he acted upon it. He demonstrated that what others do to us is distinctly different from how we respond to the behavior of others. M.L.K. understood this perfectly well. It is why, I believe, his influence will continue to grow. He knew the difference between example and loyalty. EVEN IF, over time, we cannot persuade others to behave without fear, we should not respond ourselves with fear, anger, or bitterness. A willingness to go more than the second mile with others reflects well upon one's loyalty to spiritual ideals.
Martin Luther King, Jr.Martin Luther King was born in the year 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. He was brought up in the context of a strong, Baptist tradition in a black middle class neighborhood. The practice of religion was all around him as a child. He was encouraged to, and ultimately decided on, a life work in the ministry.

His formal education took him to Morehouse College in Atlanta at age 15 in 1944, graduating with a BA degree in sociology four years later. By 1951, he had earned a bachelor of divinity degree from Crozer Seminary in Philadelphia, PA. He was awarded a Ph.D. from Boston University in systematic theology in 1955.

He married Coretta Scott in Marion, AL in 1953. They would eventually have four children.

The year before he received his Ph.D., Dr. King accepted an offer to become pastor of the Dexter Avenue Church in Montgomery, AL. Mrs. King and the young minister moved to Montgomery with no idea that he would become the leader of a local bus boycott that would grow into a national movement for civil rights. Early in the bus boycott he was tapped to be the spokesman and president of the Montgomery Improvement Association, the organization directing the protest.

Read more by clicking here ->


In the spirit of honoring all people of color, I offer the following:


As the pigment that darkens the color of our skin, hair, and eyes, melanin
is a mixed blessing. It protects us from the harsh rays of the sun, but it
also subjects us to the harsh gaze and words of racists, who blindly and
blithely dislike and disrespect all dark-skinned people. Fusing ignorance
with arrogance, avarice with cowardice, and caprice with malice, racism is a pigment of the imagination and an impediment to every nation. Racism is lunacy, not supremacy.

Best regards,
Hugh Mann

  2012 Summer Study Session Welcomes Steve McIntosh as Keynote Speaker

Steve McIntosh is a well-known author in the emerging integral philosophy movement and a life-long student of progressive spirituality. He is a graduate of the University of Virginia Law School and the University of Southern California Business School, and since 1995 he has served as founder and president of the Boulder-based consumer products company Now & Zen, Inc. He is also an original member of the "Evolutionary Leaders" group spearheaded by Deepak Chopra. For more on his work, visit:

The 2012 SuSteve McIntoshmmer Study Session is pleased to
welcome Steve as our Friday morning keynote speaker.  His 2007 book, Integral Consciousness and the Future of Evolution (Paragon House), as well as his forthcoming book, Evolution's Purpose (Select Books), present a spiritual philosophy of evolution that has many affinities with the teachings of The Urantia Book. 

Here are some of the ideas familiar to Urantia Book readers that are also tenets of integral philosophy:
  •  That the beautiful, the true, and the good are the "comprehensible elements of Deity."
  • That evolution is a technique of creation. 
  • That the phenomenology of the "evolutionary impulse" felt by humans reveals evolution's larger purpose of spiritual growth.
  • That the worlds religions are best understood as "lines of spiritual development."
  • That The Urantia Book's "seven psychic circles" resonate with the evolutionary stages of consciousness and culture revealed by integral philosophy.
  • That integral philosophy bears many similarities to the needed "new philosophy" described in The Urantia Book, and may well fulfill at least part of this promise.
  • That the coming "end of the secular panic" described inThe Urantia Book may be achieved through the discoveries of science itself.
In his keynote address, Steve will talk about some of these ideas and how they relate to Urantia Book concepts.

Don't wait to register for the conference!  Reserve early, as space is limited.  A Registration Form is provided on the Education Committee website at, or you can register online at
Register Here.  A link to the conference website is provided on the Fellowship's homepage. If you'd like to present a workshop at the conference, a Workshop Proposal Form is also on the Committee's website.
The Coming Scientific Validation of The Urantia Book Extended Abstract 
Phil CalabreseBy Dr. Philip Calabrese

Introduction. Although the Urantia Book [UB] was first published in 1955, already by 1942 it was "fixed" and by 1946 the final versions of the 1st edition plates were in the vault of printer RR Donnelley & Sons of Chicago, ready to produce 10,000 copies. [Mul00]

Did Human Beings Write The Urantia Book?  Imagine some people cooperating in the endeavor of quietly putting the Urantia Papers together.  Without computers their research team would need to find the best human writers in astronomy, geology, paleontology, chemistry, physics, biology, botany, and all other fields, selectively use their ideas and sometimes even their phrasing, but avoid all of their blunders.  A superhuman task!

Items a) and b) below will be proved by exhibiting certain scientific quotations from the Urantia Book and from prominent contemporary scientists and commentators.  Items c)-f) will be supported by additional references from the UB.

a)  The Urantia Book has predicted many implausible and subsequently verified scientific facts better than our scientists while also successfully avoiding untenable systematic errors, unlike our scientists.

b)  Therefore, on statistical grounds, only super-humans could have written the science and cosmology of the Urantia Book.

c)  Concerning the UB's disclaimers of providing "inspired cosmology", the cosmology of the Urantia Book while "transient" (a few hundred years in this context) is nevertheless of "immense value" in this transition period and beyond.

d)  Examples of immensely valuable "instruction in cosmology" from the UB.

e)  Soon-coming scientific predictions of the UB, and

f)  Predictions for the future from the cosmology of the UB.

Science and Cosmology in the Urantia Book.  The following are implausible scientific positions and predictions that are now accepted by contemporary scientists:

1)  "Piltdown Man" - The 1912 & 1917 "missing link" fossils, a hoax finally exposed and discredited after 1950 [Har03].  Almost all scientists in the field were fooled including William Gregory and Henry Osborn, who was the Urantia Book's main human source for prehistoric man [Blo05].

Had it taken "Piltdown Man" seriously The Urantia Book would have discredited itself as a divine revelation.  But while acknowledging and describing Neanderthal, Cro-Magnon, Java and Heidelberg Man, and even while affirming evolutionary theory's main lines of thought, The Urantia Book nevertheless flatly states that no such "missing link" (aka "Piltdown Man") will be found because none exists [p.669].  Conservatively, less than 2% of scientists disbelieved Piltdown "missing link" man.  The probability of randomly choosing these over the others is less than 1/50.

2)  Pangaea - Alfred Wegener's 1920's theory of a single continent that broke apart and "drifted" (largely rejected by 1929, vindicated in the late1950's and 60's).  [Wag96, Hug05,Wei05].  Continents float on liquid rock; allowed "continental drift".  Only a few geologists (< 5%) defended Wegener's theory of continental drift until the 1950's.  So the probability of randomly choosing their position is less than 1/20.  But the UB embraces it.  [p.663]


Click here to the rest of the article: 


Dr. Phil Calabrese is a mathematician with a wide variety of experience as university professor, mathematical inventor, aerospace analyst and computer programmer, prime contractor for
Department of Defense, and senior scientist for US Navy.  He has also given numerous invited presentations and published many scientific and cosmological papers dedicated to readers of The Urantia Book.  


David Kantor continues his travels in Jerusalem with
The Joshua Ben Joseph Project
Building in Jeruselum

David Kantor left for Jerusalem on 1/9/2012 to take up again his efforts on behalf of the Joshua ben Joseph Project.  The following is his most recent report:


Just a note to let you know that things are progressing well here on a cold rainy winter day in Jerusalem.  I'm staying at a wonderful place--the Albright Institute of Archaeological Research in East Jerusalem.  It is an oasis of civility and order in a turbulent environment. The libraries and research facilities are open 24 hours a day for residents who are staying here.  There are a dozen or so scholars in residence (people doing PhD work or researching for field work, books they are writing, etc.) and the conversation at evening meals is an experience in itself. People studying here at this time include a Polish archaeologist who did much of the work on the Hippos excavation, an American archaeologist currently working on the Acco site, an orthodox Jewish woman doing PhD work on concepts of free will vs. determinism in first century Jewish thinking (mostly related to Essene and Pharisaic thinking of the time), a man from China studying the development of glass-making technology in ancient Mesopotamia--and the list goes on.  

It has been interesting to get some background on W.F. Albright, after whom this institution is named.  Albright completely shifted the perspective on Biblical archaeology from the early 20th century view that archaeology should be used to prove the tenets of Christian belief to a perspective that views the Biblical text as another piece in the puzzle about human origins and destiny that must be understood and interpreted in the context of other ancient texts and archaeological discoveries.  This is an important shift in perspective and one which bears on our understanding of The Urantia Book. 

It is easy to view a study of archaeology and history through the eyes of 1920s Biblical archaeologists--an effort to prove the validity of the Urantia Book text.  But I find it much more productive to view The Urantia Book as another piece in a much larger puzzle (albeit an important piece). The effort to integrate the text with contemporary knowledge will validate it if the combined result deepens meanings and enhances values--which I believe it does in a profound way.  I also believe that this is the way we make The Urantia Book relevant to other people, particularly Christians.  We can show how it illuminates and enriches existing conceptual structures rather than being something isolated and separate or something which threatens those structures. Revelation provides structure for ordering experience and thought, but not unearned knowledge.  Reality is, after all, an integrated whole, not a fragmented universe in which individual parts are fighting for dominance.  

I'm hopeful that the Joshua ben Joseph project will enrich a Urantia student's understanding of the life and teachings of Jesus by expanding their understanding of the context in which he lived and taught.  At the same time I'm hopeful that it will point the way for readers of The Urantia Book to enrich and deepen their life experience--not just by studying The Urantia Book, but by deepening their understanding of its Biblical foundations, by developing habits of exploration and by fostering an appetite for the adventure of discovery.  This will help the entire reader community to move forward towards meaningful integration of the teachings of The Urantia Book with the incredibly rich and rapidly growing domains of insight and revelation emerging from some of the sciences here in the early 21st century--particularly the massive undertaking currently in progress to unravel the human past. 

There are some 34,000 volumes here at the Institute plus maps going back before the times of the British Mandate and a vault of old manuscripts that all relate to our Joshua ben Joseph project in one way or another.  Among other things I'm finding locations of exposed sections of the Roman road system that Jesus and his emissaries would have used which I can photograph as well as the locations of newly excavated synagogues in which Jesus and his apostles would have taught.  I'm also getting good information on the ecological changes that have altered the physical environment over the past 2,000 years and the locations of the few remaining stands of the older tree cover.  I've even found some references to Phoenician mining and iron smelting in the Hermon region that have proven illusive up this time (and need some follow up).  The remaining pieces of the Roman road system are disappearing as more land is plowed for agricultural use. There are the remains of a rare first century synagogue a short distance from Jerusalem with a highway passing within 50 feet of it.  The actual physical infrastructure related to the Jesus story in Part 4 of The Urantia Book is disappearing at an increasing rate.  Much of the ecology of the region has been completely destroyed with many species of his time--particularly birds--now extinct. I'm hopeful we can record as much of what remains as possible.

One noteworthy thing I picked up is the insight that social differentiation based on religious belief developed as a Christian concept.  In the Jewish world of Jesus' time there was a relatively uniform world view based on the law of Moses--it was the interpretation of the requirements for ritual purity which created the religious-based social differentiation in Jesus' day and it is this concept of ritual purity that we see Jesus coming up against in a number of places. 

A Jewish scholar here told me that it was completely out of place for the Pharisees to get on Jesus' case for healing on the Sabbath because in the Jewish tradition of the time, healing was most likely to occur in conjunction with the Sabbath. 

Here's a great title I found last night:  "The Historical Background of Caravan Travel Between Syria and Mesopotamia."  Now how could any self-respecting Urantia Book reader pass up a gem like that?

In the continuing adventure,


Parallels between playing a good card game and playing a good game of life


  1. You can't stop just because things aren't going well.
  2. If you get stuck, you can ask others to help you to see things you may not see.
  3. You can't peek ahead and look at the unturned cards.
  4. You can't waste time focusing on plays you missed.
  5. You must think positively -- if you say things like, "I am not going to do any good in this game!" you will be negatively programming yourself.
  6. You must keep aware of the whole situation -- what others are doing and the cards they are playing.
  7. Saying, "I wish" doesn't help.
  8. Saying, "If only" doesn't help.
  9. Whining doesn't help.
  10. You don't know if you are going to win or lose.
  11. It doesn't matter if you win or lose -- it's how you play the game.
  12. Having fun is important.
  13. You can't stop and wait for one particular play to happen while you are passing up other plays.
  14. Take full advantage of what you have been given to play with.
  15. Luck or chance is a part of it, as well as skill.
  16. It is fun to see others win.
  17. It feels good to win yourself too.
  18. When things are too intense, take a deep breath.
Compiled by Sara Blackstock and the kids at the daycare center she manages, ages 7-14.

Northeast Regional Retreat 

NE Readers Retreat


By Bobbie Dreier
The Urantia Society of Greater New York held a regional retreat on the weekend of November 12th at the Warwick Retreat Center. Thirty long-time and new readers gathered to study, to fellowship and to pray.  
On Friday night we shared insights stimulated by a series of inspirational Urantia Book thoughts.  Afterward, we laughed late into the night with games of Urantia Book trivia and charades.

Saturday morning began with a moving musical audio-visual worship experience, "Glorious Ascent," created by Troy Bishop with his poetry and the paintings of Vince Ventola.  The balance of the day was filled with a high level study presentation, "Mind and Education in The Urantia Book," by Marilynn and David Kulieke. Sponsored by the Education Committee, the Kuliekes modeled research-proven effective teaching/learning strategies in the context of their presentation.  First given at IC11, this day-long program incorporates an engaging lecture/interactive session supported by a comprehensive booklet of Urantia Book quotes, charts and images. The presentation culminates with small groups cooperating to present learned concepts by using the strategies. This presentation is available to your group through the Education Committee. [Contact Lila Dogim, Chair ( for information.]

Saturday night's reversion was provided by Barry Clark's humorous trip down memory lane, "USGNY's Amazing Transcendental Photo Album" and piano selections by Elena Garcia and Larry Geis.
Sunday morning, Ayman Gabrel, an Egyptian Muslim friend, shared a Father-centered worship experience - "Inshah Allah (God-willing) All Things Are Possible."   John Lambo followed the worship session with a presentation called "Planting Seeds." He shared the technique he uses in his classes with business students to uplift their values by using sections from the Rodan papers.

The group extended warm thanks to Doreen Heyne for facilitating an inspiring and memorable weekend.   Plans are being made for the next retreat to be held in the fall.




Every day be thankful for what you have and who you are.
Even though I clutch my blanket and growl when the alarm rings. Thank you, Lord, that I can hear. There are many who are deaf.
Even though I keep my eyes closed against the morning light as long as possible. Thank you, Lord , that I can see. Many are blind.
Even though I huddle in my bed and put off rising. Thank you, Lord, that I have the strength to rise. There are many who are bedridden.

Even though the first hour of my day is hectic, when socks are lost, toast is burned, tempers are short, and my children are so loud.
Thank you, Lord, for my family.. There are many who are lonely.
Even though our breakfast table never looks like the picture in magazines and the menu is at times unbalanced..

Thank you, Lord, for the food we have. There are many who are hungry.

Even though the routine of my job often is monotonous. Thank you, Lord, for the opportunity to work. There are many who have no job.

Even though I grumble and bemoan my fate from day to day and wish my circumstances were not so modest.

Thank you, Lord, for life!




Wednesday Night

We post our meetings on line every week in video and mp3 format for anyone who would like to watch or listen. Our Wednesday night study session is usually posted by Saturday each week. We are limited to 10 people on Skype as a video call, but by posting the video on line everyone can listen. 
  User Name rogerpauldc email


Friday Night
Please join us for the live Skype broadcast study group with Chris Halvorson, Friday evenings at 7:30 - 9:30pm MST.....Call 720-457-3606 o
search Skype name "perfectinghorizons". Please call in 5-10 minutes early so you are all set up before the start of class....we are unable 
to log anyone on after the start of class. This is not an interactive call so PLEASE MUTE your phone or computer...just listen and enjoy.

Previous audio/video classes and study aids can be found at 


If you are starting an online study group please contact Robert Aponte with the information so we can get the word out to the rest of the readership.  Robert's email address is It's not really that difficult and there are many members who can help with the "technicals." So, we'd appreciate "opinions" on this and then let's "roll up our sleeves" and get to work making this happen!


We would like to hear from you!

 We welcome your contributions to this online publication.  We accept articles no more than 10 paragraphs long that deal with Urantia Book related events, ideas, outreach, gatherings, or reminders. 


Articles should be submitted to before the 22nd of every month. 

Pipeline of Light Report

Dear Friends,
Since my last report, Pipeline of Light volunteers have placed one hundred and two copies of The Urantia Book into eleven countries. Your donations to the Pipeline helped us deliver books to readers and study groups in Colombia, Mexico, Britain, Zambia, Costa Rica, Ghana, Malaysia, Chile, and the United States. We also placed books into two new countries for the Pipeline, Iran and Ukraine.

Current efforts bring our Pipeline all-time totals to three thousand, two hundred, five books placed into seventy-three countries around the world.  We deeply appreciate the contributions of our volunteers and our donors.  If you would like to contribute to this work, donations can be made online at:  Click Here

or by mail to:
The Urantia Book Fellowship, PO Box 6631, Broomfield, CO  80021
Thank you so much for your support! 
Michelle Klimesh, Pipeline Coordinator



The Urantia Book Fellowship is pleased to announce that we are now offering, via our web store, many of the books that used to be offered in the Morning Star Catalog (formerly the Good Cheer Catalog.) Our newly redesigned web store is now open for business and contains many of the great books and study aids that Urantia Book readers love as well as some brand new gems for your contemplation and inspiration. We intend to keep expanding the catalog as new works are created to further serve the needs of the Urantia community. We hope you will find a minute to browse and buy a book or two. For 56 years The Urantia Book Fellowship has been devoted to our non-profit mission of disseminating of the teachings of The Urantia Book.  We view this catalog as another important way in which we can fulfill that mission.  As you peruse this new online catalog, remember that it represents how the revelation has personally inspired each individual author. Most of our authors are not professional writers, but dedicated and long-time students of the revelation who were moved to reflect, in some humble way, the light of truth, beauty, and goodness found so abundantly in The Urantia Book. Click here to visit the new UVERSA PRESS CATALOG.


Vern Bennom Grimsley Graduates to the Mansion Worlds

Vern Grimsley was born in Garden City,
Vern Bennom GrimsleyKansas. An alumnus of Culver Academy in Indiana, Vern later returned to Kansas to become one of the youngest radio newscasters and DJs in the nation while still finishing high school. 

Vern graduated from the University of Kansas in 1963, and in 1964, began the Spiritual Renaissance Broadcast over KFAX in San Francisco. By the late 1070s, his Worldwide Broadcasting Network was reaching all 50 states, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, the Caribbean, the Middle East and China.

In 1981 Vern received the Prince of Peace Award "For extraordinary and continuous contribution in bringing hope, peace and the gospel of Christ to Jerusalem and all the peoples of the Middle East" from the Otis Star of Hope Foundation.

Vern spoke to civic audiences from coast to coast, and lectured for the American Management Association. His On Campus broadcasts were aired on American Forces Radio Network, and Radio Free Europe ran his special on Youth and Religion behind the Iron Curtain in several languages. Vern was interviewed three times by George McManus for his Peabody Award winning series on the CBS Network titled Man and his Religion.

At the height of his broadcast career, annual worldwide listenership to Vern's Spiritual Renaissance and On Campus programs was estimated at over 284 million per year.

Vern retired in 2004 following an illness, where he and his beloved wife, Nancy, lived in the California mountains. Vern continued to write and broadcast throughout his life.

Vern left this sphere on January 1st, 2012  and is survived by wife Nancy S. Grimsley of Oakhurst; sister Mona Grimsley of Topeka, Kan.; niece Monica Hubert Miller of Oakhurst; and children Veronica, Cameron and Vanessa.

To hear a small sample of life-changing speeches and broadcasts of Vern Bennom Grimsle click here.




Please support The Urantia Book Fellowship You can make a secure onetime contribution online at our website, Click Here or perhaps consider giving a 'gift that keeps on giving' by agreeing to make an affordable monthly donation (auto-debit donation) that is automatically deducted from your bank account (available by clicking the above link). As always, we'll send a deluxe leather Urantia Book to all new monthly auto-debit donors who pledge to make at least a $20.00 monthly donation or a onetime equivalent.

2012 Lone Star Roundup Conference which will take place March 30 -- April 1, 2012, at the Briarwood Retreat Center in Argyle, Texas--located in about the center of a triangle connecting Dallas, Fort Worth, and Denton, Texas. Our conference theme is: God and Man Need Each Other.
If you believe you would be interested in attending the conference or have questions, please contact:
David Glass

NEW SOFTWARE TOOL - GLOSSARIZED URANTIA BOOK  Please be aware this software is available both ONLINE and OFFLINE (for local PC use without the Internet). The ONLINE version can be accessed from the Society's website at: Click the home page menu link called: 'Glossarized Urantia Book'. NOTE: This software has been certified for the following browsers: Safari (Windows and MAC), Internet Explorer (Windows).




 will be held on March 29-April 1, 2012 at the San Geronimo Lodge in Taos, New Mexico.  The price for the retreat is $265 which includes everything - three night lodging, all nine meals and the retreat fee. You can call San Geronimo Lodge at 1-800-894-4119 or at 575-751-3776 in order to make your registration directly at their spiritual retreat center.  


The International Conference 2011 plenary sessions are now online. 


To view images from the Conference click this link:   

To order a copy of the Conference videos click here => videos



Are you a member of The Urantia Book Fellowship?  Maybe you're not sure?  If not please contact us and we'll let you know.   Email Lenny Cowles at:


If you would like to become a member please click on this link and fill out the easy online membership form.  Your credentials will be sent to the Membership Committee for consideration.
Please join us! - click here for the online form.


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